Publish, Branching and Versioning


Semantic versioning

All versions in npm should also be github releases using tags. Tag names are the version number.

  • Official builds use major.minor.patch
    • example: 1.1.0
  • Pre-Release builds use major.minor.patch-alpha.x
    • example: 1.2.1-alpha.3


  • master, (default branch) contains current production code. Official builds and tags
  • hotfix, immediate bug fixes, pre-release versions and tags. (hotfix => master)
    • example: hotfix/1.2.1
  • release, pre-release versions and tags (release => master)
    • example: release/1.3.0
  • dev, current dev code, (dev => release)
  • feature, short-lived new feature code, (feature => dev)
    • example: feature/acc-modal-style

Publish Npm Package

builds to lib directory and used in the npm package

webpack.config.js has a dev, prod, and a watch command. Running webpack tasks outputs to the lib directory. There is a custom tsconfig.webpack.json to only include npm needed files and includes src directory.


  1. Update package.json with the correct version {major.minor.patch}
  2. Run npm install and commit package.json and package.lock.json
  3. Run npm run prepare to verify the package before pushing.
  4. Run npm publish, you may need to setup login creds
  5. Tag version git tag -a {version}
  6. Push commit and push tags git push and git push --tags

Local Dev

Develop with npm link instead of pushing versions

Continuous Integration, TravisCI

Travis will check code quality, conflicts, build, and tests. TODO: Linting support and NPM Publish

  • Pull Request, determines if merge will succeed.
  • Tags
    • TODO: soon to come, npm publish
  • Branch build, runs for each commit
    • master will do a publish to github pages

Pull Requests

All changes to master and dev should be a Pull Request. Master and Dev are protected to prevent accidental pushes. PR's should be code reviewed (1 person required) and pass checks (travis ci, codacy, coveralls...) before accepting a pull request.